Les super performances du panneau solaire thermique TVP au Koweït 10 avril 2018 Les super performances du panneau solaire thermique TVP au Koweït TVP Solar vient d’annoncer les résultats d’une étude
Les super performances du panneau solaire thermique TVP au Koweït 10 avril 2018 Les super performances du panneau solaire thermique TVP au Koweït TVP Solar vient d’annoncer les résultats d’une étude
TVP Panels Demonstrate No Need For Cleaning Published on 7 December 2015 Today TVP Solar has revealed the result of one year’s testing in Kuwait, demonstrating a unique feature of their MT-Power high-vacuum
«TVP Solar» تزوّد «أرامكو» بنظام تكييف الهواء بالطاقة الشمسية كشفت شركة «TVP Solar» عن نتائج تركيب نظام تكييف الهواء بالطاقة الشمسية (SAC) الذي تم في شهر نوفمبر من عام 2014
Aramco Installs Solar Thermal-Powered Cooling System at HQ From: ArabianIndustry.com/Oil&Gas Saudi Aramco says it’s committed to energy efficiency. Published: 2 April 2015 – 2:54 a.m. By: Slavka Atanasova Saudi Aramco
TVP Solar Installs Solar Thermal Technology for Air Cooling at Saudi Aramco HQ From: www.constructionweekonline.com/ by Alexander Pieri on Apr 1, 2015 TVP Solar has announced the installation of a solar-assisted air-conditioning (SAC)
TVP Solar Déploie un Système de Climatisation Solaire au Siège de Saudi Aramco From: finance.yahoo.com March 31, 2015 3:27 PM GENÈVE, SUISSE–(Marketwired – Mar 31, 2015) TVP Solar a le plaisir
TVP Solar Deploys Solar Air-Conditioning System at Saudi Aramco Headquarters From: Reuters GENEVA, SWITZERLAND–(Marketwired – Mar 31, 2015) TVP Solar is pleased to announce the results of the solar-assisted air-conditioning (SAC) system installation,
TVP Solar setzt am Hauptsitz von Saudi Aramco eine mit Solarenergie betriebene Klimaanlage in Betrieb From: InvestorDD.com MARCH 31, 2015INVESTORDD NEWSWIRE SOURCE: TVP Solar GENF, SCHWEIZ–(Marketwired – Mar 31, 2015)
TVP Solar Closes CHF 5.9 Million in Capital Increase to Enter Manufacturing Stage From: StartupTicker 9th of February, 2015 TVP Solar SA, a game-changer in solar thermal, has completed a
TVP SOLAR: quelques millions supplémentaires From: AGEFI 6th of February, 2015 La PME genevoise TVP Solar a bouclé son deuxième tour de financement. Le fabricant de panneaux solaires a levé