The European Solar Thermal Technology Panel Appoints New Steering Committee
11th of September, 2018
On September 11th, 2018, in Rapperswil (Switzerland), the European Solar Thermal Technology Panel (ESTTP) has appointed a new Steering Committee, the meeting has also been the opportunity for the newly appointed committee to name a chairperson, Marco Calderoni (R2M Solution) and two vice-chairs, Werner Weiss (AEE INTEC) and Guglielmo Cioni (TVP Solar).
The ESTTP Steering Committee has a major role in leading and strengthening the work of the Solar Thermal Technology Panel of the Renewable Heating & Cooling – European Technology and Innovation Platform (RHC-ETIP); a platform gathering experts from all the Renewable Energy Sources sector to define a common strategy for increasing the use of renewable energy technologies for heating and cooling.
Following his nomination, Marco Calderoni stated “With the reorganisation of the RHC-ETIP in Horizontal Working Groups, the platform aims at moving towards a “solution-oriented” structure. New challenges are ahead for solar thermal in the heating & cooling sector, and sector coupling approaches need to be developed with the help of solar heating and cooling experts, both from industry and research institutes.”
The current ESTTP Steering Committee is composed of 18 members from nine different countries. These members have diverse experience in the solar thermal field, with various backgrounds, either from the private or public sector, representing industry, research, educational and (inter)governmental fields.
The new ESTTP Steering Committee is now comprised of the following members:
- Bernd Hafner – Viessmann (France),
- Christian Holter – S.O.L.I.D. (Austria),
- Christian Zahler – Industrial Solar GmbH (Germany),
- Daniel Mugnier – TECSOL (France),
- Guglielmo Cioni – TVP Solar S.A. (Italy),
- Harald Drück – ICTE, University of Stuttgart (Germany),
- Harry Michalopoulos – SAMMLER B. Michalopoulos AEBE (Greece),
- Jan-Olof Dalenbäck – Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden),
- Kaj Pischow – Savo-Solar Oy (Finland),
- Marco Calderoni – R2M Solution (Italy),
- Maria João Carvalho – LNEG (Portugal),
- Marta San Román – Orkli S.Coop (Mondragron Group) (Spain),
- Nigel Cotton – ECI (EU),
- Pascual Polo – ASIT, Spanish Solar Thermal Industry Association (Spain),
- Robert Buchinger – Sunlumo (Austria),
- Théocharis Tsoutsos – Technical University of Crete (Greece),
- Thomas Weidemann – Ritter Energie- und Umwelttechnik GmbH & Co. KG (Germany),
- Werner Weiss – AEE INTEC (Austria).