What is Horizon 2020? TVP Boosts Thermal Energy for EU-funded Renewable Heat Project
SunHorizon is an EU-funded research project investigating new methodologies to maximise heating and cooling energy efficiencies in residential and commercial buildings.
The project aims to develop heat pump solutions that will act properly coupled with TVP Solar’s advanced solar panels, providing heating and cooling both for residential and tertiary buildings.
The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement N. 818329, to run 6 projects across the European Union: http://www.sunhorizon-project.eu/demonstration/
TVP Solar is one of the international partners on the project, supplying the sun-driven thermal energy to boost performance across the projects.
Learn more on the official website: http://www.sunhorizon-project.eu
Follow on Twitter: @SunHorizonEU and LinkedIn: @SunHorizon
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=OjKsscqzjQE